Pitfalls, Successes and Side Salads

I had a stressful weekend. This is a usual thing, I work 40 hours in 4 days (Friday thru Monday) where what is expected of us is more than our best. Scratch that, they want our best, our first born, our spirit and a contract signed in blood. Yeah, stressful. Even as a big girl my blood pressure has been good, never over 125/80ish. I felt the need to check it while on the slave ship…141/98. I mostly maintained my eating. I behaved Friday, Saturday and Monday. Sunday was a baby shower. The way I felt after consuming such “non-clean, carb heavy” things was bloated, tired, sluggish and my body physically hurt. Even the small steps I have taken have instituted change in my body. One day will not destroy me, just like one day did not make me. I will prevail. I will overcome this. I did have to put some money in the vacation jar. Wendy’s side salad. At least it was a salad.

So it begins…

I am on a journey towards a different lifestyle and am trying to take my family with me. This blog will explore my trials, tribulations, successes and celebrations. I started at 285lbs and as of today I am 278. I cringe as I type these numbers but realize I should have been cringing as I was putting the extra food in my mouth or flipping the channel one more time. Every change will have a result. It’s like the butterfly effect. You know. Do you not know about the butterfly effect? “Chaos theory attempts to explain the fact that complex and unpredictable results can and will occur in systems that are sensitive to their initial conditions. A common example of this is known as the Butterfly Effect. It states that, in theory, the flutter of a butterfly’s wings in China could, in fact, actually effect weather patterns in New York City, thousands of miles away. In other words, it is possible that a very small occurrence can produce unpredictable and sometimes drastic results by triggering a series of increasingly significant events.” This was brilliantly summed up by http://library.thinkquest.org/ So long story short, what you think may be an insignificant change may cause significant changes. By just moving 20 minutes a day I am changing my body. By bringing my own food to work I saved upwards of $70 in one week. Thanks $140 in 2 weeks, $280 a month. I mean come on $3360 a year?!?!? That’s a vacation or two depending on location. I have put a jar on top of my refrigerator and in it I put the money I save from dining out. That jar will be taking us to SeaWorld, Universal Studios and LEGOLAND. That jar is putting me one step closer to better clothes. That jar is making my goals and progress tangible things. We have to start somewhere. I’m starting here.