
So this is me. I am a Mom, or a Mama rather, as this is what Rabbit calls me. I am overweight, obese even. I have a tendency to just call myself fat. Spade is a spade. This is my accountability. I have to put it out there because I already hide from reality. I am determined to complete a blog and a healthier lifestyle. Yeah, yeah, I know. Plenty of people start and even less finish. Not me, not this time. I will achieve my goals! Baby steps is how I start.  Do I have an endpoint? Not really. Just healthier. I want to be alive for myself and for my son. I want him to grow up with a parent. I don’t want to be gone before I can meet his children. I WANT TO LIVE!


This is only where I start, this is not where I finish!

This is only where I start, this is not where I finish!

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