Mmm Spicy!

Before I had my son and my tastes buds changed, I put Tabasco’s Jalapeno sauce on everything. Literally everything. Mac and cheese? Jalapeno sauce. Ice cream? Jalapeno sauce. I took it to an extreme, but it was sooo good. After pregnancy I wasn’t able to tolerate the heat. But guess what?? I’m baaaack. Today I had decided to make “Southwest Turkey Burgers.” Turkey breast mixed with cumin, corn, red peppers, black beans. I took it a step further.
I made a relish out of those items (corn, black beans, red peppers) with some Badia Jalapeno powder, white wine vinegar and cilantro. Then I mixed some into the burger. Satisfied my carby cravings, spicy and full of fiber. In fact, some people had seconds. Point scored for a healthier family!

May not look nummy but it was!

May not look nummy but it was!


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