Exploring the Realm of Protein Pancakes

So..I have a son who is quite picky in his food choices. Thankfully he did not get my metabolism or this may be a way very different life. I am guilty of hiding vegetables and healthy goodness in his food though. Grated zucchini and apple whole grain waffles, mashed cauliflower grilled cheese. I can be pretty crafty when it comes to these things. To think I started by using baby food in his pancakes and now he’s willing to eat homemade chicken nuggets. (That will be a whole other post.) Inspired by I decided to embrace this whole protein pancake thing. Her ingredients seemed simple and were things I had in the house. **Note to self, take pictures of this as you are doing it – helps enhance the whole blog thing.
This is what I made:
Vanilla Protein Oat Pancakes
makes 1 6 small pancakes

1/4 C of oatmeal – the old fashioned oats that I put into my food chopper thingy and pulverized
1/4 C Garden of Life Raw Vanilla Protein Powder
1 tsp Vietnamese cinnamon
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/4 C unsweetened almond milk
1/4 C plain, non-fat Chobani Greek
3 T egg whites
1/2 C of the leftover apple pulp from my juicer – we didn’t have any applesauce and I had used the last of my apples for juice

Mixed all my wet ingredients, mixed all the dry and then mixed together. Medium high and voila! If you use a 1/4 measuring spoon it will give you 6 pancakes.

Ok, ok so the real reason I made these?!? It was my dog’s birthday and I forgot to make him a “pupcake!” However the whole family enjoyed! Thanks to all!

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