Pitfalls, Successes and Side Salads

I had a stressful weekend. This is a usual thing, I work 40 hours in 4 days (Friday thru Monday) where what is expected of us is more than our best. Scratch that, they want our best, our first born, our spirit and a contract signed in blood. Yeah, stressful. Even as a big girl my blood pressure has been good, never over 125/80ish. I felt the need to check it while on the slave ship…141/98. I mostly maintained my eating. I behaved Friday, Saturday and Monday. Sunday was a baby shower. The way I felt after consuming such “non-clean, carb heavy” things was bloated, tired, sluggish and my body physically hurt. Even the small steps I have taken have instituted change in my body. One day will not destroy me, just like one day did not make me. I will prevail. I will overcome this. I did have to put some money in the vacation jar. Wendy’s side salad. At least it was a salad.

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